Take Action Against Elder Abuse. Elder mistreatment is a recognized problem and will undoubtedly increase over the next several decades. With aging baby boomers and people living longer lives, elder abuse is exploding out of control. Elder abuse, or Financial exploitation, is also known as financial abuse. This abuse occurs when someone misuses or takes money from a vulnerable elderly person. Financial abuse occurs quite often. This type of abuse can include the misuse of powers of attorney and guardianships, illegal transfers of property, and outright fraud and theft. Financial exploitation can also happen after a person’s death, through the mishandling of one’s Estate and distribution of property. But most importantly… what you need to know is being able to detect it quickly, and then actually do something about it. I urge you to look for these signs: If you see an elder person who seems to be affected by any of the following situations . . . please act now!
Financial abuse against elderly persons are particularly difficult to detect because they are often unreported by victims. In many cases, it’s up to family and friends to discover the wrongdoing and file a complaint. Concerned friends, neighbors, and family members can help prevent financial abuse of the elderly by checking in with the person from time to time as many vulnerable victims are isolated from others. A few preventative measures might include occasionally arriving at the person’s home without calling, asking questions when things don't seem right, and listening carefully for potential problems. Take Action. If you believe that an elderly person may be a victim of financial fraud, or any other type of abuse, please act quickly. Time is of the essence and the proper course of action will depend on the urgency of the situation. If the situation involves physical danger, it’s best to call 911, or get the local police involved. You can also contact your local Adult Protective Services who can investigate the situation. If you suspect that a family member or loved one is no longer capable of making good financial decisions, you can initiate guardianship or conservatorship proceedings. Call to get your questions answered. The law surrounding financial abuse involving the elderly can be complicated. Easter Law, PLLC is here to help you in the fight to stop Elder Abuse. So please call 810-824-4520 and get your questions answered today!
AuthorMichelle Easter Archives
March 2020
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